Monday, January 21, 2013

Transportation Guest Speakers at NTW

New Tech West was pleased to host two special guest speakers on January 17th: Joe Shaffer, Director of Engineering and Project Development at RTA and Myron Pakush, ODOT Deputy Director for District 12.

Mr. Joe Shaffer of RTA
Mr. Myron Pakush of ODOT

Mr.  Shaffer and Mr. Pakush spoke to the students about the variety of engineering needs at their respective employers as well as some of their recently completed projects.  A few of the more interesting projects discussed included the current construction of the inter-belt bridge, the Euclid Corridor project (Health Line) and the Airport Tunnel project.

SLOW UP          HANG UP          LOOK UP
Mr. Pakush handed out orange thumb rings to the students and mentors as an important reminder to not text and drive. 

The Project Managers (near) and the Engineers (far)
Team Architect
Students divided into teams (Contractor/Project Manager, Architect and Site Engineer) for the final RFP project.  Another committee was also formed, a sustainable design committee.  All of these groups will work together in subsequent meetings to produce the required deliverables as per the RFP.