Friday, November 16, 2012

NTW Students Learn to Survey

Student Blog Summary by Brandon: in progress

Nandi enters a sewer code that Andrew found on the list. Matt
from CT Consultants looks on.

One group is getting a data point of a sewer grate.

It takes a team to find the proper code for a guard rail.

Everyone gets in close to look at the GPS screen.

Mike from CT Consultants enters the proper code.

Collecting a data point for a guard rail.

Who Wants to be an Architect?

Eric Pempus from Oswald Companies speaks to the students
about what it takes to become an Architect

By Student Blogger, Nick: Today at ACE we ate some great food then we had a presentation by an Architect named Eric.  It was very interesting. Then we talked about what we did last year [in ACE for our final project]. Then we the had an activity to draw are own version of what we would want the front entrance of our school to look like.  We worked in groups of three.  My group was the best.

Mentor Rich works with Terrell, Dominic and Brandon on the re-
designing the front entrance drive to the school.

Jessie, Nick and Keely present their sketch to the class.  They
added a dragon which a moving tail and a loud roar.

Pal and Josh work on their sketch.

Arch added to welcome students and visitors. A curb/wall was
added on the right to protect students from the cars.