Thursday, December 27, 2012

NTW Students Learn About M/E/P

By Student Blogger: Trenton Garrison

Bob Sotock from TES Engineering
presents on M/E/P Engineering
Today in ACE we started the meeting with a review of what we learned on last week's field trip to the Metro Health Middleburg Heights Health Center Construction stie.  Then we began to learn about Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing systems and the many safety codes.

For our activity, we were given a budget of $12,000,000 and a requirement of achieving at least 5 LEED points and needed to select building material for a school building.  For example, for the exterior wall system, the three options were painted block, split faced block or brick and metal panels.  The budget for those went from $500,000 to $4,000,000; so it was important to develop priorities and stick to the budget.

Crunching numbers on the budget sheet.

In the end, all of the teams were able to come in under budget in their selections and meet the minimum of 5 LEED points.  It was interesting to see some teams even meet LEED Gold and come in just under $12,000,000 and others came in slightly under $8,000,000 but still were LEED certified.

The students made a story board of their selections and explained
the rationale behind their choices.

Monday, December 24, 2012

John Hay Juniors Tour the Flats East Development Project

On Wednesday, December 19 the John Hay juniors toured the Flats East Development project led by Gilbane Building Company project personnel. Students put on their waterproof boots and braved the muddy terrain for a VIP tour of the new office tower and hotel which are currently under construction.

Students began their field trip in the Gilbane trailer for a quick overview on the project and safety briefing given by District Operations Manager, Scott Orr. Scott told the students about the importance of the project, interesting aspects, and the future vision of the Flats East Development plan.

Senior Project Engineer, Bill Helmet led the students on the tour of the construction site. The group ventured to the 14th floor to view the suite where Ernst & Young offices will be located. Students admired the view over the Browns Stadium and Lake Erie as project personnel discussed with students the current phase of construction and what steps will be taken to complete the project on schedule.

After the office tower tour, Bill led the students through the hotel; stopping in to a check out two mock-up rooms so the students could get an idea of what the hotel rooms will look like once they are completed.

The tour ended back in the jobsite trailer with pizza and a Q&A session. Thank you to Flat East team for welcoming our ACE students. Special thank you to Linda Hein, Bill Helmet, and Scott Orr.

Friday, December 7, 2012

NTW Tours Metro Health Jobsite

It was a clear crisp day when the students of New Tech West toured the New Metro Health November Family Health Center construction site.  The students began in the job trailer and learned the job responsiblities of the Project Manager, Project Superintendent, Project Engineer and Project Clerk from Construction Manager Regency Construction Services, Inc.  The students got to see the complete set of drawings for this 57,000 SF builiding - and the 300 drawing sheets and several volumes of specifications left an impression on some of the students.

The students learned the importance of building a mock-up and why the coordination of trades is very important.  Many of the students liked seeing the tar equipment for the roof; though they didn't like the smell.  

Who would like to review these specifications and flip
through the 300 drawing sheets? Anyone??

Check out the steel column that goes from the floor to the roof.

Used for the tar roof.

Project Superintendent Terry Tesmer (far left) and Project Manager Luke Dautovic (far right) with ACE students, Mr. Leutenegger and Mentor Monica Bruaw.

Mock - Up Wall.  The grout did not dry to the color desired so
a new color was selected.

Friday, November 16, 2012

NTW Students Learn to Survey

Student Blog Summary by Brandon: in progress

Nandi enters a sewer code that Andrew found on the list. Matt
from CT Consultants looks on.

One group is getting a data point of a sewer grate.

It takes a team to find the proper code for a guard rail.

Everyone gets in close to look at the GPS screen.

Mike from CT Consultants enters the proper code.

Collecting a data point for a guard rail.

Who Wants to be an Architect?

Eric Pempus from Oswald Companies speaks to the students
about what it takes to become an Architect

By Student Blogger, Nick: Today at ACE we ate some great food then we had a presentation by an Architect named Eric.  It was very interesting. Then we talked about what we did last year [in ACE for our final project]. Then we the had an activity to draw are own version of what we would want the front entrance of our school to look like.  We worked in groups of three.  My group was the best.

Mentor Rich works with Terrell, Dominic and Brandon on the re-
designing the front entrance drive to the school.

Jessie, Nick and Keely present their sketch to the class.  They
added a dragon which a moving tail and a loud roar.

Pal and Josh work on their sketch.

Arch added to welcome students and visitors. A curb/wall was
added on the right to protect students from the cars.

Friday, October 19, 2012

New Tech West team starts year with "EGGS-CITEMENT"

Nandi and Jessy show off the
 winning design. Good job ladies!
Team discussion about design.
Today was an exciting day at ACE... There was a short but fun ice breaker for everyone so they can get adjusted ... Then we then began our official meeting today where the members worked hands on with students to make a rather astounding contraption. Their jobs, to create a safe way for an egg to drop without breaking. Each were given the same supplies to use their knowledge of architecture, Those supplies included : Tape for strips, a set of straws, a rubber band, and the egg. With that the students were split into groups to make the safest home for their eggs . There were a lot of interesting things made but out of 4 groups one was successful . Jessy & Nandi both came up with the most stable protection for the egg. Until November 8th there will be more fun and learning. 

By Student Blogger: Nandi Wilson

The drop height was approximately 8 feet.
 (Brian is standing
on a bench when he releases his egg)

Teams throughout the room focus on their design.

What a mess! But oh so fun!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Last Push by New Tech West before Focusing on Final Project

Before the ACU Team from New Tech West sharpens their focus on their Final Project submission, some important class sessions were held that focused on sustainability, sketch-up and college preparation topics.

Kevin Swank explains the HVAC equipment

The students were fortunate to hear a detailed presentation from mentor Kevin Swank of Johnson Controls about sustainability issues and LEED design characteristics.  The students were extremely interested in the importance of recycling and the possibility of a wind farm on Lake Erie.  Kevin brought his companies’ HVAC display trailer unit for the students to get an up close view of how mechanical equipment and controls work.

Mentors Renee and Larry from Stantec led the students in a quick course in Sketch-up.  It is amazing how some students can pick up these new skills so quickly.  The group plans to have one or two students work on Sketch-up designs and incorporate them in the Final Presentation.
Rukia looks at what Nick and Jose are doing since she will
be incorporating the design in Sketch-up.
It is never too early to start thinking about college plans, and that was the topic that mentor Luke Ramsey of Chas E. Phipps, ACE Board of Director Ken Hale of Tri-C and special guest, Dr. Trent Gages, Tri-C Professor of Engineering, tackled at our last meeting.  The students learned about distinctions between 2 year and 4 year schools and got to learn about some of the courses and career opportunities in engineering.  Next year a more detailed meeting and possible tour to Tri-C may be held as the students will be Juniors and they should be looking at their secondary education options.

Nick speaks to Ken Hale and Dr. Trent Gages after their college presentation.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

James Rhodes Learns About Construction Management from PCS

Blog by Glory A. Oliveras, ACE Student at James Rhodes 

On Monday, April 2 PCS lead our ACE session. As an introduction all of our mentors introduced themselves and explained their previous studies based on construction. They also spoke to us about how and where they graduated successfully from. Then later that day, we played the paper clip game. in this game you had to have a group of four teammates. Every group decided on a creative team name and began with 10 paper clips in the middle and then each teammate had to take as much paper clips as they pleased, but they had to watch out because you can't grab too many of them. We were not allowed communicate in any type of form or you will be called out for cheating. The team that had the highest amount of paper clips wins. LMAO won the first round, then the second round FANTASTIC 4 won. The two winning teams received candy bars as theis prize.  After the activity, PCS mentors described the role of a construction manager, and basically we learned that a construction manager is in charge if cost, quality, and safety. We also talked about the steps during the construction of the PNC Bank. Last, but not least, we looked into cost and time management. 

PCS is rebuilding a site where it used to be a pizzeria and a dry cleaners. The place really looked bad. The dry cleaners poured all of their chemicals into the sewers and contaminated the area. The constructors helped and cleaned out all of the chemicals which contaminated the area. They are now rebuilding the site which is located on East 83 on Carnegie.This really helps our city which is great. 

After we reviewed this project, we began another activity which was a cost estimation by putting in a bid. We also got the total cost of then single and double leaf door frames. In that activity the team LMAO won again. The last activity was putting together the steps to building a company or building. It was great. we didnt have enough time to see who the winner was, so everyone received a candy bar for their hard work. 

James Rhodes Pilot Program Kicks-Off with a LEED Scavenger Hunt

Blog by Andrea Negron, James Rhodes ACE Student

The ACE program at James Rhodes started out great! At our first meeting we divided into teams and participated in a scavenger hunt throughout the school to see how "green" our school really is. We learned about things we never even paid attention to in the school. After looking around we were able to name things we thought we could improve to make our school more environmentally friendly. Afterwards, students presented their ideas on ways to improve the school to the class and mentors talked about different design elements that increase the sustainability of school buildings.  

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

New Tech West Team has a New Name

The New Tech West students have been meeting for months, but just recently decided on a team name.  Groups of students and mentors worked together to brainstorm and develop the most appropriate team name and symbol.  After compelling presentations, the winning vote was cast by Mrs. Frew, the school’s Principal.  Our group is now known as ACU which stands for Achieving Cultural Unity.  Several students are working designing a logo that will encompass themes of a pyramid and teamwork.  More on that to follow….

The students ham it up outside the Capital Theater

Project Manager Jenny Spencer explains the
renovations at the Capital Theater

On December 15th, the group met with Jenny Spencer, a Project Manager at the Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization.  There they learned about the importance of investing in existing buildings and they got to tour the Capital Theater and the Cleveland Public Theater.
We have also been fortunate to have several guest speakers that provided base knowledge about the planning process to help shape the future plans of the neighborhood.  David Hartt of DB Hartt, Inc. and Joyce Bond from CT Consultants spoke about Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture and Design, respectively. 

Cody and Nick outline the project boundary

The team looks at the 1/2 mile radius from the school.

These presentations enabled the students to look at the surrounding neighborhood with a different set of eyes and try to see it in the future.  Based on the student’s perceived needs of the area and the relative proximity to the downtown area of Cleveland, the students decided to respond to the RFP with a mixed use concept.  Ideas about how much space of each type of retail/housing/commercial etc. was agreed upon – but you’ll need to attend the Final Presentation Banquet to find out the specific breakdown…and where this new design is planned.