Bob Sotock from TES Engineering presents on M/E/P Engineering |
For our activity, we were given a budget of $12,000,000 and a requirement of achieving at least 5 LEED points and needed to select building material for a school building. For example, for the exterior wall system, the three options were painted block, split faced block or brick and metal panels. The budget for those went from $500,000 to $4,000,000; so it was important to develop priorities and stick to the budget.
Crunching numbers on the budget sheet. |
In the end, all of the teams were able to come in under budget in their selections and meet the minimum of 5 LEED points. It was interesting to see some teams even meet LEED Gold and come in just under $12,000,000 and others came in slightly under $8,000,000 but still were LEED certified.
The students made a story board of their selections and explained the rationale behind their choices. |