Friday, February 25, 2011

JH Seniors Select Site

One group explains why they recommend
 a particular site.

On Thursday February 17th, the John Hay Seniors had a difficult decision to make; on that would greatly impact their ACE final project.  After hearing a presentation by Thorson Baker about the bridge site possibilities, benefits and drawbacks, the Seniors formed groups for discussion.  Interestingly enough, all of the groups drew conclusions which made their recommendations for bridge placement very similar.  Voting was done by secret ballot and one of the sites wasselected.  Which one?  Come to the May 3rd banquet to find out!

Where should we put the bridge? A? B? C? D? or  Z?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pro-Struct Learns Google Sketch-Up

Clarence Tate shows off his beautiful home.
On February 15, the Pro-Struct learned how to use the 3D modeling software Google Sketch-Up.  For the majority of the group, this session was their very first exposure to the software but the students picked up it very quickly.  Three-year veteran mentor, Dan Polak of Array Healthcare Facilities Solutions led the students through a design activity which resulted in a 3D model of a house. 

The students quickly learned that Sketch-Up offers free downloads of a variety of materials, props, luxury vehicles, and even a godzilla.  The end result was several creatively designed homes. 

Koma Davis reads the instructions to develop
her house design.
As a team, Pro-Struct picked up the program quickly and they began to develop potential bridge designs for their final project.  Next week the team will review several bridge sketches and also choose an appropriate location for their pedestrian bridge.  

Friday, February 11, 2011

Visiting Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative

On February 3rd, the John Hay Seniors went to the Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative (CUDC).  Terry Schwarz, Director of CUDC spoke to them about the urban design profession and about some projects CUDC has been involved with.  The students were extremely interested in hearing about some of CUDC's temporary events such as the Detroit-Superior Bridge Awareness project during Cleveland's Ingenuity Fest.

Kent State University Senior, Juleian Curtis, spoke to the students about the Architectural Studies program at KSU and also offered some general college advice. 

The students toured the design studio, intereacted with graduate students and saw many design models.  The students also met and spoke with the professionals at CUDC.  This tour gave the students an opportunity to see into the life of a Graduate Student in Architecture. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

PSI Office Visit and Laboratory Tour

On January 25, the ACE John Hay juniors toured the offices and laboratory at PSI.  Organized by Business Development Manager, Jerry Hutchison, the students were led on a series of stops throughout the laboratory to learn about different methods of air, soil, and construction material testing.  Several professionals from PSI participated in this event, holding small mini-sessions to discuss various testing methods which are important to a construction site.  John Hay students witnessed an actual concrete test, an air quality test, and were able to check out the giant augers used in soil testing. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

John Hay Seniors meet the USGBC

Michele Kilroy, LEED AP, speaks
to the group
Michele Kilroy, LEED AP, from the Northeast Ohio Chapter of the USGBC presented at the John Hay ACE meeting on Thursday January 27th.  Her focus was on the importance reducing energy use, carbon emissions, water use and solid waste.  The students learned about the USGBC and LEED requirements.  Because such a large percentage of Americans spend their day indoors, it is important to make sure air quality and lighting is at its best.  In fact, LEED methods can help improve business.  One example provided was that by installing skylights in half of a large retail store, that store saw sales increase dramatically where the skylights were.  When they switched the merchandise around, again the sales for the items under the skylights increased. Needless to say this large retail store has skylights throughout all of their new stores now.
Put your hand in if you think the
correct answer is "A"

Michele encouraged the students to attend the 2011 GreenBuild conference and expo, October 4-7, 2011 in Toronto and said that there will be scholarships available for students so they can attend.  Visit for more information.

The hands on activity was a competitive question and answer session.  The students were divided into 4 teams and were each given a unique multiple choice question.  The team with the most correct answers received candy.  Congratulations to the "Green Hornets"!

ACE Cancellation for John Hay Juniors Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Due to weather issues and the possibility of freezing rain this afternoon the ACE session scheduled for tonight has been canceled.  We will reschedule this session in the near future.